All postflop statistics include both all-in and non all-in bets, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Personal panel
Green button allows you to check the last played hands and mark your opponent as either a 'fish' or a 'reg'.
3w & HU - hands counter
AFq - aggression frequency
formula: (flop turn river raise or bet) / (flop turn river call or fold)
3x - any 3x open from HUSB or BTN
SB preflop
Preflop stacksizes -
if 00-10 it means <9,99BB
if 10-12 it means 10BB to 11,99BB etc...
H - hand counter
MR - min raise, all opens from 2x to 2,5x
Fv3 - fold vs any 3bet raise non all-in
Fv3S - fold vs 3bet raise all-in
L - limp
LF - fold vs isolation non all-in
vAI - fold vs isolation all-in
os - openshove
BB preflop
Preflop stacksizes -
if 00-10 it means <9,99BB
if 10-12 it means 10BB to 11,99BB etc...
H - hand counter
F - fold vs any open except all-in
3B - 3bet raise non all-in
3BS - 3bet raise all-in
IS - isolation non all-in
ISS - isolation all-in
cOS - call openshove
SB postflop
F T R - flop turn river
CB - continuation bet
F - CB flop after opponents open raise or limp preflop
T - barrel on the turn after CB on the flop
R - triple barrel on the river
Fv XR - fold vs check raise non all-in and all-in
DL& Br - delay CB and barrel
T - delay CB
R - barrel after delay CB
Fv Pr - fold vs probe
T - fold vs probe
R - fold vs barrel after turn probe
Fv iso cb - fold vs CB after isolation
F - flop fold vs CB after isolation
T - turn fold vs barrel
R - river fold after triple barrel
BB postflop
F T R - flop turn river
Fv CB - fold vs continuation bet
F - flop fold vs CB both limp and min raise pots
T - turn fold vs barrel
R - river fold vs triple barrel
XR - flop check raise vs continuation bet
Fv DL - fold vs delay bet
T - fold vs delay bet
R - fold vs barrel after delay bet
PR - probe bet
T - turn probe bet
R - river barrel after probe on the turn
iso cb - CB after isolation preflop
F - CB after isolation
T - barrel after CB on the flop
R - triple barrel
3 way
SB vs BB preflop
Preflop stacksizes -
if 10-16 it means 10BB to 15,99BB
MR - 2BB to 3BB open preflop
Fv3 - 2-3BB open and fold to any three bet
L - limp
LR - limp and raise vs BB iso
LF - limp and fold vs BB iso
OS - openshove
BB vs SB preflop
Preflop stacksizes -
if 10-16 it means 10BB to 15,99BB
F - fold vs 2BB to 3BB open prefolp
3B - three bet vs 2-3BB open
IS - any isolation
BB vs SB postflop
F T R - flop turm river
Fv CB - fold vs continuation bet
F - flop fold vs CB both limp and min raise pots
T - turn fold vs barrel
R - river fold vs triple barrel
Rv CB - any raise vs CB
Fv DL - fold vs delay bet
T - fold vs delay bet
R - fold vs barrel after delay on the turn
FL - float bet (probe bets are out of position; float called bets in position)
T - turn barrel after float bet
R - river triple barrel
iso cb - CB after isolation preflop
F - CB after iso
T - barrel after CB on the flop
R - triple barrel
SB vs BB postflop
F T R - flop turn river
CB - continuation bet
F - CB flop after opponent open or limp preflop
T - opponents barrel on the turn after CB on the flop
R - opponents triple barrel on the river
Fv R - fold vs raise non all-in and all-in
DL& Br - delay CB and barrel
T - delay CB
R - barrel after delay CB on the flop
Fv FL - fold vs float (floats are like probe but in position)
T - fold vs barrel
R - fold vs triple barrel
Fv iso cb - fold vs CB after isolation
F - flop fold vs CB after isolation
T - turn fold vs barrel
R - river fold vs triple barrel
BTN preflop
Preflop stacksizes -
if 10-16 it means 10BB to 15,99BB
M - min raise 2BB-2.5BB
M/F - min raise / fold
L - limp
L/F - limp / fold vs isolation
OS - open shove
BTN postflop
F T R - flop turn river
CB & Br - continuation bet and barrel
F - CB flop
T - barrel on the turn after CB on the flop
R - triple barrel
F - fold vs non all-in open
3B - 3bet
vCB - BB fold vs BTN CB on the flop
B13+ - stats vs BB 13BB+
S13+ - stats vs SB 13BB+